Do you have a YouTube channel, and do you show your everyday life in your videos? As a mom blogger or fashion influencer, do you share beauty and fitness tips? To connect your content to stylink’s affiliate links, we’ve compiled five content ideas for your YouTube channel.
Use stylink and earn money with your YouTube videos
Stylink is all about making good product recommendations. You can place affiliate links from stylink in your YouTube description box whenever you show products in your videos. Creating completely new content for your YouTube videos is unnecessary if you want to use stylink. By using the description boxes below your YouTube videos, you can easily integrate stylink into your channel. Your advantage? Your earnings increase with every click on these links. Here are five content ideas on how you can integrate stylink with your YouTube channel to get you started.
stylink for Fashion YouTuber
If you’re a YouTuber, you’re probably familiar with fashion hauls, outfits of the day, style challenges, etc. Stylink is a great opportunity for you if you are looking to show your subscribers your favorite styles and recent purchases on YouTube. There will be no more flooded inboxes from your subscribers asking where you got your outfits. Subscribers can see in your description box where they can buy your products at a glance and only need one click to do so.
Let’s talk about content ideas!

1. OOTD’s and Outfit Inspirations
Like you, your subscribers are likely to enjoy shopping and are eager to discover new trends. Show your shopping purchases in your YouTube video. You could tell them why you chose the top, how it looks, feels, fits, and where you bought it. Show your shopped items individually, and ideally in combination. You could look for pregnancy outfits on YouTube if you are an expecting mother who enjoys shopping. A Baby Bump Try-on Haul will be a huge hit with your subscribers. Why not show off your best looks and share them with your community? Also, presenting your children’s shopping purchases in a Fashion Haul is a great idea. Let them know where and what you bought for your daughter, and what you wore today.
Check out our very own community member @kayleighmehrten – she’s a lively YouTuber and recently shared her “back to school” outfit inspo with all of us!
2. The art of styling
Combining clothes is just as important as choosing the right ones. Create a YouTube video showing how you style a particular item – for example, your new blazer – for different occasions. Give each outfit a name based on the occasion. Here’s an example: Look 1. business casual, Look 2. date night, and Look 3. city trip. What pieces complete your look for different occasions? All items and accessories can be linked in the description box.
3. Challenge yourself
Provide a variety of formats on your YouTube channel to keep things interesting. Taking part in outfit challenges is a great way to accomplish this! Have you run out of ideas for a fashion challenge? What about letting your husband choose your outfits for a week or only wearing a certain color for a week? Alternatively, you could ask your subscribers to vote on YouTube beforehand about which challenge they would like to see. Think outside the box!
4. A day in my life: Give your followers an insight into your life
A Follow-me-around will also keep your community up-to-date in addition to your daily vlogs. Do you bring your camera with you when you work out at the gym? How about a stroll through the city?
All your outfits or products can easily be linked in the description box: a trendy bag with all your daily essentials; your new gym shorts; your favorite heels; the large shopper to carry your shopping essentials; or the hand luggage you keep bringing on every trip. We reward you every time a user clicks your link and lands on the desired product. You can also film yourself packing your suitcase for your next trip. Is there one bikini that you can’t live without, one summer dress you shouldn’t miss, and one accessory you cannot live without while on holiday? Let your audience know how you are preparing for the holidays!
Have you ever shown your followers your home interior? Subscribers want to discover new interior trends in your home and learn more about you. Shelf styling is a huge hit with interior bloggers – I will admit, I have a beautiful shelf at home that I am struggling to style. Interior bloggers on YouTube are a great inspiration, and what’s even better: I can simply shop that vase or the coffeetable book right through their links.
5. Share your morning or night routine
When was the last time you were asked about your skincare routine? YouTube’s makeup tutorials are also a great way to connect your favorite products with your style. This will save your subscribers time searching for the lipstick or moisturizer you showed them online. Film your morning routine and skincare routine as well. The YouTube video should start with your morning skincare routine and your favorite products, your favorite coffee, a quick workout or meditation, and your make-up for that day. Simply record your morning routine. How do you prepare breakfast? What’s your gym routine? What do you do to style your hair? And do you listen to a particular playlist in the mornings? Share your morning routine with your subscribers and exchange ideas to make their mornings more enjoyable. The same applies to the evening: How do you relax? How do you end your day? Using your night routine as a basis for your next YouTube video might be a great idea.
What other content ideas do you have for YouTubers? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Feel free to check out our very own stylink YouTube channel and learn more about stylink regularly.
Enjoy filming and linking!
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