FAQ: Frequently asked questions at stylink
How does it work? And how do I earn at stylink? Do these questions sound similar to your own? Then you are in the right place! In the "top 4" you will find the most frequently asked questions - all other questions have been sorted by theme for your convenience. If you still have questions, please contact our Influencer Support via iMessage, e-mail or phone.
How do I create links?
Using the Linkmaker, you create your affiliate links. Simply copy the product link from one of our online partner shops and paste it into our Linkmaker. First, select whether you want to post the link to Instagram, Pinterest, your blog or YouTube and select the right platform. Very important: It only works with our partner shops! Online shops which do not cooperate with stylink cannot generate affiliate links. Within a few moments, you will receive the affiliate link. Copy it and paste it as a link sticker into your Instagram story or alternatively into your description box on YouTube. We have a detailed guide for you as well.
Or you can use our brand new What's App linkmaker. Just send us the product link you want to convert via WhatsApp to the number (+49) 1579 2514373 and get your stylink and information about your compensation back immediately.
Please keep in mind that you must be registered with stylink and use a link from one of our partner shops. Also, please send us only one link at a time and refrain from using a greeting or something similar; otherwise, our system will not be able to process your request.
If you want to post multiple links in one day, first convert all product links into referral links and then have all the links of the day sent to you by e-mail. After creating the links, go to "My Compensation" and scroll down to the overview of your links. There you can easily email and edit the description of your referral links individually in the Linkmaker. This is especially helpful if a product image cannot be loaded automatically.
Where do I post the affiliate links?
You can post your affiliate links on different platforms, not only in your Instagram story or YouTube description box. You can also share them on your blog and on Pinterest. If you want to share your links on YouTube, please select the YouTube platform before creating Stylinks. For technical reasons, links on TikTok are currently not authorized.
How do I earn money with stylink?
You receive compensation for every click on your link sticker from your followers on your affiliate links - you can see exactly how much this is per click and how everything adds up in your account under "My compensation." The clicks from your followers must be based on an intention to buy or obtain information as a result of your recommendation.
Important: Please give our system 24 hours to calculate all your clicks correctly.
When will my compensation be paid?
You can request your payment starting at the amount of $10.00 in your account profile.
Your payout request will be processed in 24 hours if requested between Monday and Friday. After processing, we will transfer the money to you. Please note that it might take a few more days, depending on your bank, until you receive the money.
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How do I contact the stylink support?
Do you have further questions? We are available for you by phone at +1 360 967 9768. You can also text us on iMessage. We will be happy to help you out!